Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Now is your opportunity to ask questions. What are you not sure of and what are you confident about? I will not answer the questions, but your classmates should. If I need to go over this in class hopefully it will be before Friday.


  1. Something that im pretty sure i understand are the subjects of WWI, WWII, and basically everything that happened in the 20th century. What i don't understand a lot is the Renaissance and protestant reformation.
    Anyone who could help me out with the significance of the two, that would be great. If you have questions on anything that happened in the 20th century i'll help you out...if i can.

    -Amber Martinez

  2. what are the protestant and calvinism religions and who started them?

    david Dean

  3. I really need to know what the Glorious Revolution was. I also need to know the names of those philosophers we learned about-the ones who all had different ideas like Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau and others who I cant remember. I need to know what they did and what their philosophies were.
    One thing I do understand really well is WWI and WWII, like Amber does. Those topics are pretty easy.

    By the way David, I can answer half your question: John Calvin started Calvinism and as for Protestantism, I think it was John Wycliffe but I'm not sure if he's the actual founder. Hopefully Mrs. Dawson or someone else can answer that one.

  4. The main things that i need to know about are the German Revolts and i also need help with the importance of Gustavus Adolphus .

  5. what was enlightenment really about?

    who was the black hand?

    What happened during the rein on terror?

  6. What were the revolutions of the 1800s and how they were started? and also What were key factors in the sucess of the renaissance?

  7. I am confident with the enlightment and the women's revolution.. But im not with the names of people a remebering what theydi or what they are important for.

    Danaysiah Buggs

  8. Well since I already have taken the exam which was really hard I really dont have any questions.

    ~Xavier Shaw~

  9. Although the exam is over, I'm still unsure about the enlightenment and 16th and 17th centuries.
    -Chelsea McMurry

  10. I know its pretty late to be asking questions but im still pretty unsure about when and why they built the Berlin wall and did this have anything to do with the "iron curtain"

    I understand a lot of the material but im not very good on remembering the names linked to them. But i guess im confident about WWII.

  11. Im with Stephanie on the late factor, but better late than never!

    I agree with Amber though, I understand WW1, and two. I am also very comfortable with the peasants revolt, and womens revolution, as well as the enlightenment.

    Im not so comfortable with the renaissance, and along with Danaysiah I'm not too confident with the remembering peoples names and what their significance was.

  12. The women of the Women Right Movement I don't really know them even though we went over them. Or better yet all the people.

    Also, with Danny who is the black hand because I never heard of it???

  13. Stephanie Ransom wrote that last comment
    I forgot my name

  14. I would like to know who the black hand was too...and more on solidarity or what ever welch created?

  15. One thing i am not sure of is the dates in which the events happened on. A thing that am a sure about is enlightenment era.

  16. I want to know more about the enlightenment.

  17. If we don't know one of the frq questions how do we go about answering them?.

  18. Well, the things I am not so sure about are the things we talked about a long time a go. I can't recall the right time or person.

  19. Things that i didnt understand were the things that happened in the little countries like Romania and Poland. The only thing i really focused on was the big countries and stuff.

  20. What was Magellan's main purpose in history. What were his causes that affected history?

  21. I think I needed a recap of the Renaissance. And who was the black hand because I don't remember going over that?

  22. I think I need a recap on the Enlightenment, my memory is really foggy about what it was all about.

  23. Let's see WWI and WWII are pretty well covered and those aren't to hard to forget. I think the thing that stumps me the most is the period with the absolute monarchs and the unification of italy

    amanda chamberlain

  24. I still get confused on the differences of religion, like lutheran and protestant

  25. I forgot plenty of things... but I think i completely forgot about the whole Enlightenment stuff. I don't even know what that means really..

  26. Going into the exam I was not very confident about anything, but once I took it it brought back a lot of stuff that I remembered learning. I think that I did okay. The only thing that I couldnt remember too well was how the different time periods affected the roles of women, like what women gained out of each time period. I know that the enlightment and reformation and stuff are all important, but I also have a hard time remembering when exactly they occured and what happened first.

  27. 5..hands down

  28. well, i honestly wish i could have ben more confident about everything so i might have been able to come out of this year with a better grade, but unfortunantly and as much a don't want to admit it, it is entirly my fault and I should have done more......

    -Ryan Flake-

  29. The Black Hand was a secret society founded in the Kingdom of Serbia on June 10, 1910. It was a part of the Pan-Slavist movement, with the intention of uniting all of the territories containing South Slav populations annexed by Austria-Hungary. This society's possible connections to the June 28, 1914, assassination in Sarajevo of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, is considered to have been the main catalyst to the start of World War I.

  30. I'm wondering why we didn't mention China or Japan in class. They were a apart of WWII (China with the Allies and Japan with the Axis Powers, but I think Japan left them after Germany made a treaty with Russia?) and I don't remember hearing anything about them.

    Granted, I kind of spaced out a lot so they might have been mentioned in class or even in the reading or something....

    @Stephanie Santos:
    The Berlin Wall was built to separate the city into east and west halves because...one part was under the influence of countries like England and America and the other belonged to Russia? Russia wanted to control the complete west of Germany and all and it's ideas differed too much from the idea of the countries controlling the other half?

    That probably wasn't very helpful...I also get the feeling that it was highly inaccurate...

  31. what was the fronde? i cant remember anything about that.

    and i am pretty confident on the world wars and everything that follows because i have always been extremely interested in those time periods.

    kyle cool
